Hi welcome and thanks  to all the recent members who have joined. keep trying to encourage more people to join.

As for the HGVs still the same, some using the diversion route, some just doing what they want. The new highways officer for Lichfield is Mr Tim Heminsley his details are on the contacts list. Mr Rayson has gone to greener pastures Stafford some where !!.I will be emailing Mr  Heminsley  to make him aware of this website and our aim to gain weight restrictions throughout Lichfield. Feel free to email your grievances to your county councillor or the SCC officers and highways officers. You could state to them the problems you are having and why you feel the need to join our Club.

Phoned Andy Kerr(Lichfield mercury )yesterday to do a little piece on our website and make it known via the press that this site exists. Bit late  for this weeks publication but he said it will go in next week .

again any comments or questions feel free to ask

