Hi Everybody,
Remember me ?
Its been a long time since i last sent an update. But it’s been reasonably quiet as of late, still get some coming through,but bearable.
Unless you can adivse me its different from your prospective?.
This email is though to advise that there are a lot of roadworks coming through May and June. Too many to itemise so expect some disruption through the coming weeks. You can find the incidents on Highways England and roadworks.org. If you find it gets too much let me know and your Councillors. Also as you are probably aware we have a lot of speeding motorists, HGVs and Cars on our roads. So I have requested some 30mph Bin Stickers. Which can be put on your various bins to educate to the motorists that this is a 30 mph Road.( trying anything to get the speed down at night) So if you would like to have a couple to put on your bins email me with your address and i will put them through your letterbox when i receive them.
We still have many construction HGVs using the road in the daytime that service the Houses around Lichfield. I am trying to find out if any Traffic conditions were put in place when planning was approved, but that in itself is proving hard to get.
Don’t forget if you need anything email me and if it gets out of hand with the HGVs put pressure on your Councillors.
Thanks Again,
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