Hi Everybody,
Long time no speak.
Finally got an update from Tim Heminsley.
I will also show my reply to him, hope its to your satisfaction.
Sorry for duplicates.
Hi Roy,
I’ve travelled around the diversion this morning and it has been put in my place by Highways England. It doesn’t make sense to me: as you travel southbound on the A38 towards the Swinfen island there is a HGV diversion sign pointing to the Swinfen island off slip. There isn’t any signage at the Swinfen island or along the London Road until you get to the Upper St. John St. / Cherry Orchard junction, directing HGVs down Cherry Orchard. HGVs are then directed along Sturgeons Hill / Rotten Row, right onto Church Street and then up towards the Eastern Avenue / Burton Rd / Cappers Lane / Trent Valley Rd island. HGVs are then directed down Cappers Lane which leads them back onto the A38 on slip heading south back to the start of the diversion!
·         Why just HGVs?
·         Why along the A5127, which isn’t the agreed route?
·         Why in a full circle, what’s the point?
I’ve gone back to HE with these questions.
With regard to the A5127 weight restriction issue, Cllrs Eagland, Pullen and Greatorex have all offered their support in principle to a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order for a 7.5 tonne weight restriction along A5127 Church Road / Trent Valley Road during Highways England (HE) works. It sits with me at the moment to try to make it happen with HE. Realistically, to make it work, I need to get HE to agree to put the signage out for a 7.5 tonne restriction when they put a diversion on. This hasn’t happened yet, however Cllr Eagland has put it on her priority list for this financial year.
With regard to the improved direction signage between Lichfield and Tamworth (which includes directing lorries along Eastern Avenue), it was supposed to be installed last financial year (2017/18) however the funding got pulled due to an overspend on the overall budget. I’m hoping to get it back into the next financial year’s budget (2019/20). It is all designed and ready to go but funding is required to carry out the actual works.
There were some improvements planned to the Greenhill junction and the city station junction, with funding linked to the Friarsgate development. Both these junctions are on hold until new plans for the development of the site have been decided by the district council. There are also changes planned to the Eastern Avenue / Burton Rd / Cappers Lane / Trent Valley Rd island; this will possibly involve the signalisation of the island but it is currently being looked at and funded off the back of the Watery Lane (Curborough) housing development. The under the railway section of Lichfield Southern Bypass (from Birmingham Road) is still planned for a rail possession in Christmas 2019, with that part of the road finished first half of 2020. The remaining link road from Birmingham Road to London Road will be funded by the adjacent housing development, which is currently going through the planning process as I write. The signage will be reviewed as the bypass is complete to direct traffic, including HGVs, along the new route. The low bridge on Upper St. John St. is apparently one of the most frequently hit rail bridges Network Rail own.
Tim Heminsley
Community Infrastructure Liaison Manager
Lichfield and Tamworth
Place – Highways and Built Communities
* No. 2 Staffordshire Place, Tipping Street, Stafford, ST16 2DH
0300 111 8000
Follow SCC on twitter: @staffordshireCC
Hi Tim,
Hope you are well?
Thanks for the comprehensive reply.
Yes the diversion signs make no sense. If you could get an explanation from HE that would be good. But is it HE thats put the signs out or SCC contractors?
We are still getting HGVs coming along the A5127 both ways at night even though there is no diversion. They still think its quicker coming this way rather than staying on the A38 !!.
And in the daytime its still as bad as ever thanks to the so called LDC planning comittee not putting Traffic conditions on the Housing developments.
Ok so the Councillors agree to support the TTRO, but as you know how long we have been pushing for even something to be put in place or even Tried/Trialled, you can understand our frustration. How long have we been waitng for a Sign (1) to be done at the Hedgehog??
I am aware of the Junction improvements and how they are going to funded, but they are only to do with pedestrian/traffic light/ Safety issues and not really any help for our problem.
As for the Heralded Southern Bypass.   Well, As we don’t Promote/Insist/Make the HGVs use the other Bypasses around Lichfield, what makes you think the HGVs are going to use the new one? Knowing where its going to be, whats to stop the HGVs using part of it then turning right at the island ( Falkland Way) going under the railway bridge on Birmingham Rd to the Birmingham Rd/A51 Island
Which in fact is higher than the bridge at Upper John St. Anything that can get under Upper John St bridge can get under the Birmingham Rd bridge, so rather than go down Falkland road then back on themselves down Sainte foy to the Birmingham Rd/A51 Island then down the A51 Rugeley road (sorry Western Bypass) what do you think the HGV drivers will do.
Will you put a weight limit on the A5127 Birmingham road bridge section?
The Bridge at Upper John St is the Sixth most hit Bridge in the UK and has been for years and what have the SCC done about it? Oh I know put an alternative route for the high sided HGVs  down a residential road that has 4 Schools on it !!
The Signalisation of TVR Island. Theres a thought.  Just think what the signalisation of Wall Island has caused !!   Say no more.
Getting the HE to agree to put a weight restriction on while A38/A5 roadworks are on, you say “This hasn’t happened yet ” Can I ask why?
Anytime you get lonely and want a meeting I am available ok,