Good Morning Mr. Appleby,

In response to your query.

There is an existing zonal environmental weight limit which covers the northern part of the city that prohibits vehicles over 7.5t except for access. This is indicated by signs located along Eastern Avenue at the junctions with Stafford Road, Grange Lane, Dimbles Lane, Curborough Road, Netherstowe, Brownsfield Road and Valley Lane. There are also signs on the Western Bypass at the junctions with Abnalls Lane and Queen Street.

Since the conclusion of the public advertisement on the 23rd September I allowed a further week for any late replies to be received. I can confirm that no objections have been made and I have now completed the necessary paperwork and sent this to Staffordshire COunty COuncil Traffic Regulation for them to process with a view to implementing the order on 19th November 2021.

This is the date when all the required signing will be implemented, and the order will come into force.

Kind regards,

From: ROY Appleby
Sent: 04 October 2021 17:00
To: Parkes, John
Subject: Re: A5127 Weight Restriction

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Hi John,

Thanks for the reply.

Could you just jog my memory in relation to the sentence.

” This extends on the initial proposal shown in the plan you have and provides a far more consistent approach which mirrors the existing weight limit on the northern side of the City.”

Could you tell me which existing weight Limit it refers to in the north of the city?

Also as it has been a couple of weeks since your reply, have you received any objections?

If not are the proceedings on track ?

Many Thanks

Roy Appleby

Lichfield Action Group

—— Original Message ——
From: “Parkes, John”
To: “”
Cc: “” ; “” ; “”
Sent: Friday, 24 Sep, 21 At 09:40
Subject: A5127 Weight Restriction

Dear Mr. Appleby,

I have been forwarded your query regarding the status of the proposed weight limit for Lichfield, which also includes the A5127, from Cllr Eagland.

Over the last few months with the support of Cllr Eagland, Cllr Greatorex and Cllr Silvester-Hall we have been progressing the necessary legislative process for the implementation of a zonal 7.5t weight limit for the southern portion of Lichfield. This extends on the initial proposal shown in the plan you have and provides a far more consistent approach which mirrors the existing weight limit on the northern side of the City.

Currently, we have just completed the public objection period (23.09.2021) which saw adverts placed in the local press and notices positioned on the various approaches to the area covered by the proposed order. I personally did not receive any correspondence to this consultation however, there may be some letters of objection received at the County’s offices in Stafford or some still in the process of being delivered. Any objections that have yet to be received will be sent through to myself throughout next week.

If there are no objections, then we will be able to start the final phase of the order process. This involves legal procedures to make the weight limit official so that it may be legally enforced and the provision of an implementation date for when the weight limit will come into operation. This must allow a minimum of 4 weeks plus anytime required to process the paperwork, taking account of this I would suggest a date in early November for the order to be completed, signing to be installed and the weight limit to finally become operational.

I trust that this has answered your query sufficiently however, if you would like clarification on any of the points I have raised above then please contact me.


John Parkes

John Parkes

Engineer | Highways and Built County | Consulting


Amey | c/o 1 Staffordshire Place | Tipping Street | Stafford | ST16 2DH

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