Hi everybody
Here are the latest and final emails of the 2016 year from me.
There is an Email from Tim Heminsley and one from Councillor Deaville via Richard Rayson regarding my request to sit in on the SCC forum for HGV Traffic in Staffordshire.
From Tim:
 From our last meeting I believe the 3 County Councillors were going to look at joining forces and put forward the need for a 7.5t TTRO along the A5127 through Lichfield City when significant works are implemented along the A38/A5. I haven’t heard any more from them on this – as I said in the meeting I have taken things as far as I can. I have also submitted a permanent weight restriction scheme on the A5127 for funding in 2017/18 (financial year April 2017 to March 2018). I’m not holding my breath on it being accepted but if you don’t ask you don’t get! If, and it is a big if, I get the nod for the permanent scheme to be implemented I will let you know. It has been submitted alongside a raft of schemes across the County and a group of my colleagues will decide if it is to be include in the 2017/18 programme, which is then signed off by Cllr Deaville. I can’t do any more than I have to influence this decision now, it is in the hands of others.
From Richard Rayson:
Dear Mr. Appleby
I trust you are well.
Cllr Deaville has forwarded me your recent email and has asked that I reply direct on his behalf.
Following the outcomes and recommendations of the Prosperous Staffordshire Select Committee into a weight limit on the A515 between Fradley and Draycott in the Clay it was agreed to set up a Freight Forum to address issues concerning Heavy Goods Vehicles on roads in Staffordshire initially focussing on the A515 case study.  The select committee recommended a number of outcomes, one of which included the establishment of a Staffordshire Freight Strategy Forum with key stakeholders in order to develop an understanding of County wide distribution issues and promote constructive solutions. The Council is committed to reconciling access for goods and services with local, environment and social concerns and to identify a “resilient Network”
The first of the new Staffordshire Freight and Community Forum meetings was held on the 6th December 2016 where a number of key stakeholders were invited, including Highways England, the Chamber of Commerce, the Freight Haulage association, the emergency services and Local Members. As the Forum was initially established to look at the issues of the prosperous Select Committee report, the parish councils along this route were invited to consider the outcomes of the A515 case study.
The Staffordshire Freight and Community Forum is intended to be a County wide freight forum to discuss issues across the whole County and as such as these forum meetings progress over time we will look to bring in parishes or groups with specific issues and other groups such as the parishes along the A515 will drop away from the forum.
We know communities are very important in the decision making process and as such I am happy to consider you for inclusion in a future meeting of the Staffordshire Freight and Communities forum when we move on from the case study of the A515. I know the work that I started before I left Lichfield and Tim Heminsley has continued with is very important to you and once I am in a position to be able to invite you to a future meeting then I will be in contact with you again.
In the meantime I will ask Tim to keep you updated on the progress of the Forum and will feed any relevant information back to you so you can keep the Lichfield Action Group updated.
So that’s as far as we have got for now. I hope we get some good news in the year 2017.
I will try and keep on top of it ,but if things go bad we will rise up again OK.
In the meantime if you have any concerns or information that might help our cause please don’t hesitate to contact me.
I wish you all a happy and prosperous (and quiet) New Year
Roy Appleby