Hi Everybody
Its been a while since I was last I touch. Still awful in the daytime with all the Contruction Traffic from the Developments around Lichfield coming through the Town. Been ok a night only now and again HGVs coming past. I have still been busy lobbying our councillors but getting back usual replys      ” We are still trying to find a solution”.  Well to be truthful Natashsa Pullen has been the only one to reply. The others cannot be bothered.   So I’ll still keep on asking.
The reason for this update as well is it looks like there is some up and coming roadsworks in the pipeline that might cause some serious problems.
It appears on Highways England website and Roadworks.org, there are going to Fully Close the Muckley Corner Island on the A5. The diversion routes should be Eastern Ave (A5192) and Western Ave( A51) around Lichfield and then through Burntwood and get on the A5 North of Burntwood. There is also some other major closures as well on the A5 near Muckley corner and some on Wall island.
I will try and be more precise with the dates but as you know things get moved around. But it appears there will be a significant amount of disruption at the end of March all the way through to end of May if the websites are to be believed.
Could I ask you to keep an eye out for the Diversion Signs and let me know when they are out and also could you all email your councillors and Tim Heminsley asking what provisions have been put in place to make sure the HGVs adhere to the Diversion route around Lichfield.
I think that if we all do a little email asking it will put pressure on the councillors to do something and also show we have not gone away.
I will put this on our website Lichfield A5127 Group | Action against lorry traffic on the A5127
to keep as an update.
PS Dont forget to email Councillors and Tim Heminsley