Hi Everybody,

The time has come to have your last chance to influence your County Councillors.
The feasibility report will be coming out soon from the Highways engineer. I am under the impression that the report will advise and assist the County Councillors what action to take or not to take regarding our issues. But the ultimate decision relies on your county councillors. So can I ask if you all to email your appropriate councillor and voice your opinion on making a decision in favour of their constituents. I have emailed a statement on your behalf to Tim Heminsley to be added to the report:
As Follows:
Hi Tim,
Here is a statement from one of the Residents which for me summarises the exact feeling of the whole of the Residents of B’ham road/Church Street/Trent Valley Road of the continual use of these roads by HGVs
“We remain deeply concerned about the continual use of B’ham Road /Church St /Trent Valley Road by HGVs and their impact on the road infrastructure (including underground services such as water; gas & electricity supplies and sewage); the integrity of the road-surface and the safety of all road-users due to its continual degradation; the safety of pedestrians and the impact on both quality-of-life ( Noise/ Vibration/Pollution/Speed of HGVs) of those living on this route and the structure of homes flanking the route which are susceptible to potential vibration damage. We also refuse to accept that a simple weight limit cannot be imposed on the affected roads which will encourage HGV’s to utilise the more appropriate Bypasses (The Diversion Route as Agreed by the SCC and Highways England when there are A5/A38 closures ) around the city and alleviate these problems”
The Residents of B’ham Road/ Church St/Trent Valley Road. http://www.l-a-g.co.uk/
Below is the type of emails I am receiving from Residents about HGVs :
“I have just returned from a holiday and the HGV traffic seems to be as bad, particularly at night, impacting on sleep. I have also noticed an increased frequency of traffic queuing back from Birmingham Road/St John’s St traffic lights towards the Friary. This has an impact on emergency vehicles trying to pass vehicles to get to incidents. I can only think this problem will be exacerbated when the new fire station /Town centre opens. Traffic mounts the pavement to let emergency vehicles pass also impacting on pedestrian safety!
I would also like to point out that I have recently witnessed articulated lorries using Shortbutts Lane.One had to reverse back on to London Road lights to be able to get round into Shortbutts. This road is definitely not suitable for HGVs but indicates that they seem to feel able to go wherever they please.”
Hope you are satisfied with it ?
We must stress to the Councillors that we will not give in or give up till we get what we feel is the right decision for the good of our community and the good for the City of Lichfield.
Again please remember to email as you may not get this chance again, we have come this far together lets see it through.
Don’t forget what disruption we have had to endure due to the A5/A38 closures and although its been quiet of late it can soon start again !!!!
Many Thanks
Roy Appleby