hi everybody
again sorry about duplicates
My email to Tim Heminsley
Hi Tim,
I’ve left it a week, but this email could have been drafted after one day of the closure.
The result of the closure has been Dramatic. It Blatantly shows how much HGV traffic (cars as well) uses this section as a through route. To me the closure by acting as a weight restriction has cause no hardship for the HGV drivers at all. All it has done is make the HGVs use the Trunk Network and Bypasses as intended.
Now would be the time to instigate a Survey to see what impact the HGV traffic has had on other surrounding roads and as far as I’m concerned hardly any.
There is less congestion down this section, there is less noise and pollution at night.
Reading the Review again all questions on the unknown could now be answered.
One of the main reasons against a weight restriction has been addressed Enforcement !!.The police have had to do nothing so where is there a problem about that?
I could go through the review page by page, but I wont as I’m still waiting for this meeting that you are trying to arrange and I feel we should have it now while the closure is on so as to see that a weight restriction would have a significant impact for the residents.
The evidence being that while the closure is on its been Wonderful !! especially at night. It also shows that congestion in the day can be significantly reduced as well.
Deliveries do not seem to be a problem for the companies involved on this road.
To Summarise Its been Fantastic. (although there are still Waste management companies still using the route to avoid Vosa on Wall island )
I hope you can arrange the meeting Asap so we can discuss the issue and give the Residents what they deserve some quality of life!!
I will cc this email to all our councillors that are involved with the on going problem of HGVs in the Staffordshire area. The reason being that Liberty Park is till to come as is Friarsgate town centre project,HS2 if it goes ahead and all the new developments that will appear in the future that are going to add to the problem of the massive increase of congestion to the town centre section of this road.
Roy Appleby
I would be interested to hear from you if its had has had the same affect?
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