Hi everybody
Just noticed the disturbance at 21.00 so drove the route.
You will get a bit tonight !!!!!  Slip road closed on the north side of the A38 at Swinfen island .No notification anywhere given !!!  Complained to Highways England (REF 18023219) Will be giving our councillors a email tomorrow, can I ask will you to if you are disturbed. This is what I have arguing about to the highways. We are going to get this every time work is being carried out on Trunk roads This will not stop till we get a weight restriction !! The HGV drivers are not again adhering to the diversion signs !! that send them up to Wall island and back down the A5148 to Burton which is to be honest easier but you know HGV drivers (Brains of Rocking Horses)
Sorry about any email  duplicates
Below is the email I sent to the SCC


Again we suffer the disturbance of closures on the A38.
Don’t keep hiding behind  “We need to investigate It “
I know there is no information anywhere of these works being carried out but that’s not an excuse. If you give us our weight restriction this can be Averted.
Complained to Highways England (REF18023219)
WE NEED A TEMPORARY RESTRICTION NOW !!   At least do that for the residents and show us you care !!
Our councillors support us so why wont you.!!!
Roy Appleby